My real estate journey started in 2019 when I was told I couldn’t buy a house for my family. I had no idea that my investment journey would begin with a denied mortgage application. From 2019-2020, I’ve been able to purchase 12 out of state rentals with less than $15k of my own money.

After managing my own local and out-of-state rentals, I ventured into implementing the same systems for other landlords. Since that time, I’ve been able to help homeowners generate 40% more revenue through securing more qualified tenants, securing longer leases, and introducing different management strategies.

If you have a rental, or will soon become a landlord, I’d love to talk and see how we might be able to work together. Make your asset work for you.


Unlock the Hidden Profit in Your Asset

We make managing real estate simple. Our team has significant experience managing the following asset types:

  • Long term rentals: local and remote

  • Air BnB’s: As owners of our own Air BnB’s, we understand the intricacies of working with guests and platforms like Air Bnb and VRBO

  • Multifamily Apartments: Our team manages assets in California and has historically maintained a 94% occupancy rate.

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